Improving Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt (ISWS)
Improving Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt (ISWS) is a 30-month project that focuses on four the Governorates of Minia, Assiut, Sohag and Qina in Upper Egypt to…
OSR onboarding workshop with the inner circle
On Friday 9 December 2022, VNG International organized an onboarding Own Source Revenue (OSR) virtual workshop to bring together the most inner circle of the SDLG program team to…
SDLG Iraq has officially been launched!
On the 24th of October 2022, a kick-off conference was held in Erbil to introduce and officially start the Sustainable Development through Improved Local Governance (SDLG) Iraq…
La Journée de la Commune au Burundi
Le 8 juillet, l'Association des Communes du Burundi (ACO-BURUNDI) a organisé sa conférence annuelle 'La Journée de la Commune', financée par le programme SDLG. Le programme…
Day of Municipalities in Burundi
On July 8th the Burundian Association of Municipalities (ACO-BURUNDI) organised its yearly conference ‘La Journée de la Commune’, the day of the commune, financed by the SDLG…
A series of ToT and Action Learning, The Kick Off!
During the week of 16 October, The Hague Academy for Local Governance (THA) held the first Training of Trainers (ToT) in Garowe, Puntland. This training was the first of four and…
Field visit to Hargeisa: Advisory Committee meeting, Quarterly Session, and a signed MoU
In the second half of October, a delegation from VNG International headquarters in The Hague visited Hargeisa, Somaliland for the DANWADAAG programme. During this field visit, the…
Local Economic Development / Own Source Revenue
Local Economic Development / Own Source Revenue The scenario above illustrates a number of factors that affects the discretion of LGs to levy, charge and collect own source…
Security and Rule of Law
Security and Rule of Law In an ideal local government setting, the needs of the community are presented and documented at community level using a “bottom-up approach”. These…