Working on disaster risk preparedness in MASAR
Through its MASAR program, VNG International started supporting the Directorates of Duhok and the Governorate in their preparedness towards large-scale emergencies and crises from…
Validation workshop for Sustainable Development through effective Local Governance in Iraq
VNG International has successfully organized its validation workshop as a final step of the inception phase of its Sustainable Development through effective Local Governance (SDLG…
SDG 1 and 2 presented to Member of Parliament
On 16 May 2022, representatives of various organizations presented SDG 1 (no poverty) and SDG 2 (zero hunger) to Member of Parliament Hülya Kat (D66). As part of the Adopt a SDG…
Participation in practice: study visit by the Union of Municipalities of Turkey to the Netherlands
From 19 to 21 April, a study visit to the Netherlands was held, as part of the MATRA-CA project, which aims to strengthen participatory practices in Turkish municipalities. The…
Closing Conference of the Shiraka Algeria Programme
To celebrate two years of fruitful cooperation on decentralisation and local government between Algeria end The Netherlands, VNG International organized the closing…
DANWADAAG Retreat 28-29-30 March
In the week of 28 March, the first DANWADAAG get together was organised in Nairobi, Kenya. It was the first time that the entire consortium was able to meet in person to discuss…
Kick Off DANWADAAG and SDLG Somalia
In the week of 21 March, a delegation of VNG International visited Puntland State, Somalia, to officially introduce the DANWADAAG (Somali for “a shared or common interest”) and…
Smart Solutions in San Sebastián
Following the political meeting in Costa Rica in the week of March 14, in the week of March 21 a group of twenty technical staff from the fifteen municipalities in the metropole…
Arroz con mango
Rice with mango: this is how attractive the proposal for an intermunicipal cooperation proposal sounds, according to Gloria, newly elected member of parliament in Costa Rica.…