To celebrate two years of fruitful cooperation on decentralisation and local government between Algeria end The Netherlands, VNG International organized the closing conference of the cooperation programme "Shiraka Algeria - Initiative for Efficient, Inclusive and Prosperous Municipalities" at the Lamaraz Hotel in Algiers. This program was funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Algiers and implemented by VNG International.
"I worked with the Ministry of the Interior, the municipalities and the Wilayas, and I was really impressed by their dynamism and their will to develop. We carried out trainings, exchanged good practices, and developed practical guides for the benefit of the Municpalities, Daïras and Wilayas." – VNG International Expert
After-movie of the conference:
The programme aimed to accompany Algeria in its integrated territorial development approach, within the framework of Algeria’s new decentralisation process. The programme was concretised by VNG International and the Algerian Ministry of the Interior, Local Authorities and Territorial Development (MICLAT) in the form of four pilot projects in various regions of the country:
- Strategic planning of integrated local development
- Economic attractiveness and competitiveness of territories
- Local taxation and asset management
- Implementation of a GIS to evaluate territorial dynamics
The four projects were implemented in municipalities in nine Wilayas (provinces). Through these projects, VNG International has accompanied the various levels of government in the design and implementation of new approaches, tailor-made to meet specific Algerian needs. Based on diagnostics carried out at the start of the programme, VNG International has strengthened capacities through training, and has developed concrete deliverables for the benefit of the Wilayas and municipalities concerned. Through this decentralised cooperation, involving Dutch municipalities and the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG), the transfer and exchange of knowledge and know-how between Algerian and Dutch colleagues was ensured.
"We are really happy with this project, which has trained and provided GIS cells in municipalities, the Daira and the Wilaya of El Tarf. It should be noted that this is not just a map, but a very useful analysis tool.” - Representative of the Wilaya of El Tarf
During the conference, VNG International and the participants from MICLAT as well as from the Wilayas and Daïras of El Tarf, Mostaganem, Constantine, Bejaia, Mascara and Tlemcen looked back at the progress of the implementation of each pilot project, and presented together the concrete achievements and deliverables of the program. You can find the link to the deliverables for the communes, including practical guides on the setting up of GIS cells in El Tarf, guides on local taxation and asset management, etc., here: https://www.vng-international.nl/videos-publications-other-downloads (or the QR link below). This was also an opportunity to capitalize on the achievements and to brainstorm on the prospects for future partnerships between Algeria and the Netherlands around local governance and decentralization.
Scan the QR code to find the deliverables realized at the bottom of the page 'Shiraka' or navigate to the website https://www.vng-international.nl/videos-publications-other-downloads
The conference took place on Sunday 27 March 2022 at the Lamaraz Hotel in Algiers.