The challenges of being young, like Kosovo
During my very first night in Kosovo, I got the best introduction I could get. In the stadium across my hotel, the European Championship qualification game Kosovo – Bulgaria is…
World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework Reviewed
The World Bank reviewed the implementation progress of its Country Partnership Framework to ensure its alignment with the current realities in Ethiopia and the needs of the…
Mobilising Malian youth as agents of change:
a look back at last month training of trainers on inclusive governance and gender sensitivity Mid-March Freddy Sahinguvu (The Hague Academy for Local Governance) gave a…
Exploring innovative approaches for recycling in the city
On March 1, the First Magdalena Medio Waste Forum took place in Barrancabermeja (Colombia). The event was organised by Biota, one of Barrancabermeja’s waste companies, and…
How will charging for water use benefit all
It took almost half an hour drive to reach an outlet for irrigation in the Awash River in Ethiopia, and still we were not at the borders of the sugar cane factory’s property. By…
From being alone to becoming an inclusive group
Yesterday we asked all participants to write down one word to describe how they felt during our session. I am pretty sure the word “alone” was not coming from my group though - an…
New energy in Mali
This is a photo taken in February 2019 that captures the dynamics of our work in Mali. There are mayors, general secretaries and so called ‘focal points’ of our program of 5…
Peer review CIB Working Group
UCLG’s CIB Working Group to launch a first official peer review within the local government development cooperation. Most CIB members carry out mid-term and end evaluations of…