Vice-Mayor presents citizen solutions to prevent flooding in The Philippines
Over the last couple of months, newly elected Mayors in the Philippines have been collecting citizen perspectives on the development of their cities. Vice-Mayor Angel Cruz,…
Participation VNG Common Effort 2019 - Berlin
From 14 to 18 October, the civil-military exercise Common Effort was organized in Berlin by the 1-German Netherlands Corps (1GNC), the Dutch-German NATO army headquarters, located…
Their living conditions improve every day
The next two new podcasts of the VNG International Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS) programme address the city of Pereira, Colombia. In this podcast (#3)…
Waste collectors in Sèmè-Podji
Waste collection at the household level, in Sèmè-Podji, is carried out by people organised as Small and Medium Enterprises (SME, or PME in French). These are actually small…
IDEAL gender and conflict training with a sea breeze
Following the RPM (Resident Programme Manager) workshop at the headquarters in The Hague , the local managers of the 7 IDEAL countries – South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Mali, Burundi…
CIB prepares for UCLG congress and discusses future at annual meeting in Vienna
Local democracy and international solidarity are under stress. Local governments play a crucial role in international relations and programmes – how can we, as CIB Working Group,…
Inclusive waste management on the agenda of mayoral candidates
“the event left me with very high expectations to share with my colleagues” Three weeks ago, I kicked-off the first candidate Mayors debate on inclusive waste management in the…
Crucial is the cooperation between cities, otherwise every solution is no proper solution
In a series of podcasts the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities, VNG International, interviews people involved in the programme…
Sohag & Qina – Upper Egypt, August 2019
The Egyptian Government is implementing the Upper Egypt Local Development Programme (UELDP) in two pilot Governorates: Sohag and Qina. The aim of this programme is to create jobs…