The launching of small grants in both South Sudan and Mali
The IDEAL program, managed by VNG International, is about social cohesion and improving the relationship between civil society and local governments in seven countries. In Mali…
Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP) – Phase 3 officially launched in Addis Ababa on May 30, 2019
ESAP3, managed by VNG International and implemented for the next five years, will gradually scale up to 500 woredas (half of the total woredas in the country). The program funds…
ESAP3 Pre-disbursement training to implementing partners
CSO partners who will be implementing phase three of the Ethiopia Social Accountability Program that VNG International manages, have convened mid-May 2019 in Adama for a Pre-…
“Land conflicts in Eastern DRC”, a paper from the June 2019 land conflict conference in Eastern DRC in Bukavu
On the occasion of the Conference on Land Conflicts in Eastern DRC organised in Bukavu (17 to 20 June 2019), VNG International was invited to present an overview of the causes of…
Improving infrastructure by talking a lot (and drawing a bit)
Can you have an impact on investments in infrastructure by investing in people? And what role do urban governments play in this? Those were the central questions at the DEALS…
End Conference of Libyan Local Governance and Stabilisation Programme
VNG International and CILG have successfully organized the End Conference of the Libyan Local Governance and Stabilisation Programme (LGSP) titled “Efficient Municipalities for…
ASPIRE Advisory Committee
The ASPIRE Advisory Committee met for the first time in Hargeisa on the 6th of April 2019. The Committee has discussed the program’s achievements of 2018 and the 2019/2020…
Berbera takes LED action
Between 2 and 4 April 2019 the Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland (ALGASL) organized an Inclusive Local Economic Development Workshop for Local Political…
ALGASL represents all Somaliland districts
On 24 and 25 March 2019 ALGASL conducted a membership expansion workshop in Lascaanood for the six remaining non-member districts located in the far-east of Somaliland (Dhahar,…