IDEAL Mali delegation in Burkina Faso: time to learn about the neighbours practices!
From the 1st to the 6th of December 2019, 32 Malian water managers travelled to Burkina Faso, to learn more about how decentralized water governance is organized by their ‘…
Conference of Francophone LGAs
As part of the learning agenda of IDEAL, one of VNG Internationals programs financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a conference bringing together 5 African Local…
South Sudanese exchange visit to Ethiopia
In the last week of November 2019 an exchange visit between our social accountability program in Ethiopia (ESAP) and our IDEAL program in South Sudan took place. The central…
Second IDEAL Advisory Board of 2019!
How far have we come and where are we heading? During the second Advisory Board of this year (31 October 2019) we focused on the findings from the mid-term measurement and…
A Libyan Local Government Association
It is no secret that Libya is in trouble and divided in many ways. All the more surprising it is then that mayors and local councillors from all corners of Libya came together to…
With a growing city …you want a very reliable source of water
In this podcast (#6) we interview Francis García, Mayor of Balanga City, Bataan, The Philippines. For VNG International, the DEALS programme, he visited The Netherlands twice this…
Within aspirations we find opportunities
“We, the General Assembly of the Association of Local Government Authorities of Puntland State of Somalia (ALGAPL) have approved the revised and amended constitution on 13…
Female candidates in the upcoming local council elections of Somaliland
The Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland (ALGASL) organized a 3-day training on Women Political Participation for the promotion of Local Economic Development…
The first movers are the ones taking the risk
In this podcast (#5) we interview Jeroen Diepenmaat, Vice-Mayor of the city of Enschede in The Netherlands and member of the VNG committee Europe and International, portfolio…