From the 1st to the 6th of December 2019, 32 Malian water managers travelled to Burkina Faso, to learn more about how decentralized water governance is organized by their ‘neighbour’. World Waternet and VNG International both support local authorities and local water committees (Comités Locaux de l'Eau, CLE) in Mali and Burkina Faso to successfully implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Now, the time was right for some in-depth knowledge exchange between the two countries!

Photo credits: WorldWaternet
The purpose of this mission was to draw inspiration and learn from successful IWRM approaches in Burkina Faso: more specifically with regard to: Governance and functioning of local water committees, IWRM in practice with an emphasis on financial, technical and environmental aspects, and M&E and learning.
Click here to know more about the exchange visit