VNG International gastdeelnemer Giro555 bij wederopbouw Turkije
Op 13 juni publiceerde Giro555 een tussenstand van de hulpverlening aan Turkije en Syrië na de aardbevingen van 6 februari. VNG International is één van de vijf gastdeelnemers die…
VNG International facilitates GIS Workshop to Foster Mutual Learning Among Duhok, Erbil, and Telkaif Governorates
On 7 June 2023, VNG International successfully organized a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) workshop at the Duhok Governorate GIS Centre. This workshop, held as part of the…
Towards inclusive and resilient cities in the face of Rapid Urbanisation and mobility
It was a remarkable week as VNG International joined the European Union, Cities Alliance, Koboko Municipal Council, ACAV, delegations from Kenya, Ethiopia, Somaliland and the…
Visit of Minister of Local Development of Egypt to the Netherlands
From 1-2 June 2023, VNG International had the honor of hosting H.E the Minister of Local Development of Egypt, Major General Hesham Amna in the Netherlands, and a delegation from…
Evaluating Planning alternatives in Area C
Within the framework of the project of preparing a regional plan for West Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate, which targets the eight localities of Shuqba, Qibya, Budrus, Shabtin,…
Long term twinning partnership between Municipality of Rheden and Governorate of Duhok
In the week of May 8 – 12, a delegation from the Municipality of Rheden was in Northern Iraq. Mayor Carol van Eert visited the cities of Erbil and Duhok to further shape his…
Nothing about us, without us – Study visit We Are Able
On Wednesday 24 May 2023, among others Ingrid Bakker, local representative of the Helmond Accessibility Working Group, has presented alongside colleague Susan SuykerBuyk on the…
Introduction to land tenure security experiments in rural Togo
VNG International, in the framework of the Land Reform for Increased Agricultural Productivity project in #Togo (LRAP), organized in March-April a test on optimal approaches to…
Mine action cannot wait, 4th of April 2023!
The SDLG South Sudan programme has expanded to Magwi County thereby complementing the Danish Refugee Council’s (DRC) efforts to ensure an inclusive local governance component in…