South Sudan 2022 Water Policy Review and Validation
Workshop presentation sessionThe Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), Department of Policy, Sector Coordination and Regulation in August 2021 drafted a…
Kick-off of the G2G Expert Programme Green Cities Serbia
On March 30, 2023, the kick-off event of the RVO-funded project Government 2 Government (G2G) Expert Programme Green Cities Serbia took place. Gathering representatives from the…
Enumeration process with Dutch Municipalities in Kasese
Last month we had a visit in Kasese Uganda from special guests. Bert Jansen and Ruud Oude Griep are part of the SDLG programme on the topic of taxation in Kasese, Bushenyi-Ishaka…
Next Exit: ESAP – how to sustain twelve years of VNG International’s Social Accountability Programme in Ethiopia?
Citizens’ engagement with government to address issues related to service delivery has long been a challenge in Ethiopia. The social accountability concept was successfully…
On April 01st, 2022, the Waheen Market in Hargeisa, Somaliland, was engulfed in flames. The fire destroyed dozens of shops, kiosks, and warehouses, leaving many traders and their…
Impact of ASPIRE still visible in 2023
VNG International's Somaliland team recently visited Berbera to observe the impact of the ASPIRE (Advancing Strong Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Economic development)…
Participatory budgeting and mobilization of local resources: a capacity strengthening training in Nyanza-Lac, Burundi
Voici ici la version en français. Together with the Association des Communes du Burundi ("ACO-Burundi”), VNG International organized a 4-day training in Nyanza-Lac (Makamba…
Oman Governors' Program Visit to the Netherlands
The other week, in the framework of the Governors’ Programme on Local Governance and Development, organised by the Royal Academy of Management in Oman, VNG International had the…
Orientation of stakeholders in Kalangala district on the LED strategy
LED was introduced as the 6th pillar of decentralization in Uganda in 2006, however, despite the existence of legal and policy framework (LED Strategy 2014) as well as programmes…