The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), Department of Policy, Sector Coordination and Regulation in August 2021 drafted a concept note to review the 2007 South Sudan Water Policy. The Policy was developed when South Sudan was part of Sudan and it portrays South Sudan as an autonomous region of Sudan. Not only that but the policy lacks the structure of the Ministry where the roles and responsibilities are supposed to be clearly defined to avoid overlapping, repetition and competition. Therefore, the present structures of the 2007 Water Policy needed to be revised.
The objective of the Water Policy review is to produce an active and vibrant policy that addresses the current and emerging issues to ensure that MWRI fulfils its mandate of ensuring the provision of safe drinking water, and improved sanitation services; safeguarding and conserving freshwater systems; carrying out and supervise hydrological studies, flood control works, irrigation infrastructure and water storage facilities to the people of South Sudan;
VNG International, the Sustainable Development through Improved Local Governance (SDLG) project supported the review process to enable the MWRI to strengthen its policy and institutional capacity for integrated South Sudan Water management at the national and state level. The Validation Workshop for the Revised South Sudan Water Policy is accomplished in December 2022, and the additional information and comments from the workshop participants incorporated into the final December 2022 South Sudan Water Policy;
On April 21st the MWRI Undersecretary together with the Head of Departments in a joint meeting approved the new final draft Water Policy and officially the policy has been handed over to the Minister for submission to the National Council of Ministers for rectification. Thereafter, the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation will assent the new Water Policy into the Policy.
The Undersecretary of the MWRI: “I am very grateful for the support provided by VNG International to review South Sudan 2007 Water Policy. First, I have to say that you have made an important document for the people of South Sudan. Moreover, the support from VNG International provides an opportunity for the South Sudanese experts to utilize their local context experiences in the review process. The new policy will guide the Ministry and People of South Sudan to manage water resources and improve accountability". The Policy was approved in the meeting by clapping hands three times.