On September 11, 2020, in Bukavu (South Kivu), the Governor of the Province promulgated a provincial decree on the organization and functioning of Local Development Committees (…
FNCT officially established; recognition for VNG’s work in Tunisia
On Saturday 25th September the National Federation of Tunisian Cities (FNVT) transformed into the National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities (FNCT). Ever since 2011 VNG…
Defining the Sticky Concept of Citizen Participation in Myanmar
In a country with a lot of forced labour, citizen participation might have a different connotation than in the Dutch polder model. During interviews, the discussion often turned…
Inauguration of the new Citizens Service Office in Brak Al Shati, Libya
Since the Arab Spring reached Libya in 2011, the country has been torn by violence. This violence and the consequent lack of political stability has left citizens without a clear…
Waarom is er zo weinig Corona in Mozambique?
Volgens officiële cijfers zijn er in Mozambique op moment van schrijven 5.713 bekende Covid-19 gevallen en 37 sterfgevallen. Dat is erg laag zeker ook als je dat vergelijkt met…
Mali - Elaboration of the Integrated and Sustainable Development Plan for the Sankarani Basin and its Strategic Environmental Assessment
To face economic, socio-cultural and environmental challenges and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Strategic Framework for Economic Recovery and Sustainable…
Drawing and networking during the online IDEAL RPM Workshop
This year is different from other years in many ways. The good thing about this is that we are being challenged to think outside the box and to let creativity flow. This has also…
Improving the Quality of Public Service Delivery: a Roadmap for Strengthening Administration and Governance
The case of waste management in Myanmar. This article aims to provide a panoramic view of the potential of decentralisation reforms for the improvement of essential service…
Including Squatters in Solving Waste Problems
When it comes to resolving the issue of waste, the problem is a lot messier than meets the eye. Ward 7 and Ward 12 are two pilot projects of the DEALS inclusive governance…