ESPER: negotiations of partnership agreements with security governance structures in Ituri Province
How do you consult in Covid-times?
Local Authorities Budget Consultation in Zimbabwe In partnership with the City of Bulawayo, LACEP 2, implemented by Municipal Development Partnership and VNG International, has…
Raising awareness on household solid waste management through a cartoon
In order to raise awareness among a wider public on the recommended attitudes regarding household solid waste management, the Sèmè-Podji focal team, in partnership with VNG…
Today is Global Waste Pickers’ Day
In Pereira, Colombia, we celebrate the Global Waste Pickers’ Day with the men and women that work for a sustainable city. The Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities…
Innovative Citizen Engagement in Ethiopia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Radio Shows Promote Accountable Service Delivery In response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, one of the World Bank’s largest social accountability programs, the Ethiopia…
“EcoBarrios”: a strategy to stimulate waste source separation and to promote formalizing waste pickers’ organizations
Pereira held the recycling contest “EcoBarrios” or “EcoNeighborhood” between September and December 2020. The contest was led by “Empresa de Aseo de Pereira”, the public company…
Mayor of Pereira exchanged on waste management with other municipalities
In December 2020, the Mayor of Pereira, Mr. Carlos Maya, attended a field visit to the municipalities of Bogotá and Cajicá to exchange experiences on recycling and waste…
Opening of LOGOReP Erbil-Kirkuk road in Iraq
On 7 January 2021, a formal ceremony was organised to officially open the restored Erbil-Kirkuk road in Iraq. The road, which was built under VNG International’s LOGOReP project…
It Takes a Community to Build an Inclusive Economy
The IDEAL Palestine Program is entering its last year. The five participating municipalities have established Local Economic Development Councils and identified several economic…