Despite global progress in fighting poverty there are problems of inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, conflict, migration and refugee flows. The need has never been greater to develop to balance prosperity with social well-being and environmental protection. Several international conferences in 2015 set out new global agendas to deal with these challenges. There is global recognition that local governments have a significant role in implementing the agreed agendas with other state and non-state organisations.<br />
Despite global progress in fighting poverty there are problems of inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, conflict, migration and refugee flows. The need has never been greater to develop to balance prosperity with social well-being and environmental protection. Several international conferences in 2015 set out new global agendas to deal with these challenges. There is global recognition that local governments have a significant role in implementing the agreed agendas with other state and non-state organisations.<br />
Despite global progress in fighting poverty there are problems of inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, conflict, migration and refugee flows. The need has never been greater to develop to balance prosperity with social well-being and environmental protection. Several international conferences in 2015 set out new global agendas to deal with these challenges. There is global recognition that local governments have a significant role in implementing the agreed agendas with other state and non-state organisations.<br />
The wider objective of the project was to enhance the municipal organization of Beira (CMB) in order for the city, in particular their role within roll-out and implementation of the Beira Master Plan (BMP). <br />
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The specific objective was to enable the Municipality of Beira to organize and improve their land planning and management systems and performance, in terms of (a) technical capacities as well as (b) organizational performance.<br />
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The wider objective of the project was to support the institutions in charge of decentralisation reforms, particularly the Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Committee (IMCC) on Decentralisation and its members, through technical assistance focusing on skills transfer and capacity development in the planning and implementation of the National Decentralisation Policy Framework (NDPF) and National Decentralisation Action Plan (NDAP) in a participatory manner.<br />
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The specific objectives were the following:<br />
The wider objective of the project was to provide support to the Water Management and WASH sector in Benin while setting up a vast programme including support to state-actors, non-state actors, and technical assistance to the programme.<br />
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On the Friday the 15th of March 2019, just a week before World Water Day, VNG International and World Waternet signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase collaboration in Mali.
After a successful first study visit as part of the EU-funded ASPIRE project of VNG International (Advancing Strong Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development), another visit was organised from 25 to 28 February. A delegation from Puntland state (Somalia) visited the municipalities of The Hague, Zoetermeer and Rijswijk to learn about the role of local governments in the promotion of local economic development and to use this to their advantage in their own country.
After a request for assistance in tackling a waste management and treatment challenge of the municipality of Ziniaré (Burkina Faso), Evolis23, an already existing partner of the municipality, applied to CONNECT. That is how this CONNECT exchange came about, which showed a new side of CONNECT: to let existing collaborations flourish.
The wider objective of the project is to facilitate the operationalisation of the Integrated Water Management through the development of synergies between non-state actors in all their diversity whilst implementing concrete actions concerning inclusive floods management and in turn, climate change and climate resilience. <br />
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