IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions At Local Level) is a programme by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL programme, we still pursue one common overall objective: “Involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks. <br />
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To guard this objective, each of the seven country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes:<br />

IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions At Local Level) is a programme by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL programme, we still pursue one common overall objective: Involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks.

To guard this objective, each of the seven country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes:

A recent report by KU Leuven’s HIVA research institute shows insight in and lessons learned from decentralisation organisations to taxation initiatives in the global south.

In Ghana VNG International, together with its local partner Maple consult, are implementing The Ghana Tax Revenue for Economic Enhancement (TREE) project (2019-2021) to boost revenues and improve quality of services delivered by the participating municipalities. End of March a leaderships masterclass for mayors and political leaders of the first tranche of participating municipalities was organised in Cape Coast, Central Region.

In Ghana VNG International, together with its local partner Maple consult, are implementing the so called The Ghana Tax Revenue for Economic Enhancement (TREE) project (2019-2021) to boost revenues and improve quality of services delivered by the participating municipalities.

IDEMAI am pleased the IDEMA programme enables, VNG International and CILG to share our knowledge and experience of decentralisation and local governance with Tunisia.

IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions At Local Level) is a programme by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL programme, we still pursue one common overall objective: “Involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks. <br />
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To guard this objective, each of the seven country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes:<br />

IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions At Local Level) is a programme by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL programme, we still pursue one common overall objective: “Involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks. <br />
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To guard this objective, each of the seven country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes:<br />

IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions At Local Level) is a programme by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL programme, we still pursue one common overall objective: “Involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks. <br />
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To guard this objective, each of the seven country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes:<br />

IDEAL (Inclusive Decisions At Local Level) is a programme by VNG International implemented in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. Despite the diverging contexts and topics in the IDEAL programme, we still pursue one common overall objective: “Involving citizens in local governance in order for local authorities to better deal with fragility risks. <br />
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To guard this objective, each of the seven country programmes is centred around the same three outcomes:<br />