The programme aims to realize the following long term result: <br />
For the population to recognize the State as the main transparent and accountable provider of services to the people, favouring peace and stability.<br />
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Specific project objectives are:<br />
1. The performance and quality of justice administration services are improved, enabling equitable and accessible justice for the entire population (women, young women, men, young men, children, marginalized and at-risk groups).<br />
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the National School of Government (NSG) and the professionalisation of the South African public service through training and development initiatives. <br />
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The achievement of the overall objective will be supported through the realisation of the project purpose which is to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the NSG through provision of technical support and capacity building interventions to enable it to fulfil its mandate.<br />
The Programme d'Appui à la Réfome de Décentralisation (PARD, Program in support of the decentralization reform) unites two completementary projects to accompany and support the decentralization and deconcentration process in Tunisia, led by the Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment. The two projects are for institutional and communication support, of which VNG International implements the former. <br />
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The main objective of the Beninese Land Administration Modernization Project (PMAF) is land security for all and support for the completion of the national cadastre. To do this, the project is active for the availability, proper functioning and sustainability of the Beninese national cadastre. This involves strengthening the National Estate and Land Agency (ANDF) in its management capacities (speed of cadastral registration) but also by producing land titles which ensure its legality, stability and financial viability.
The overall objective of the project is to support Algeria in the context of the new deconcentration-decentralisation process and its integrated territorial development approach. With this Shiraka project presented here, we are making a modest first step towards achieving this goal.<br />
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Specific Objectives:<br />
Bilateral cooperation on local governance between the Netherlands and Algeria is strengthened. <br />
Jeroen Diepemaat, alderman of the Dutch municipality of Enschede, and Julian Baskin, special advisor at Cities Alliance, Members of the advisory committee of the Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS) programme set foot on the ground in Kumasi (Ghana) and Sèmè-Podji (Benin) from 2-4 of
Northern Uganda is marked by years of civil war, regional instability and economic disparities. There is an increasing pressure on natural resources such as land, water and wood. Small scale subsistence agriculture and micro/small businesses (mainly shops and workshops) are seen as the only livelihood activities by host communities and refugees.
Gender equality is nothing but an idea if not put into practice. I understood that quite quickly after having started working. Gender equality cannot be reduced to a concept, a buzz term, or a bullet point on our checklists, it should be a reality.
A kitchen window blown from its frame; rain slanting horizontally inwards; part of the roof torn into the sky;
tropical storm Idai struck the home of Peter van Tongeren on 14 March this year. The experience added an extra
dimension to his subsequent role in the reconstruction of Beira, the city in Mozambique where he lives and works.
Van Tongeren, VNG International associate expert for the RVO and DEALS programme, told his tale during the lunch
The general objective of the project is to strengthen public governance in Morocco through the mobilization of high-level expertise contributing to the realization of reforms related to the modernization of public administration.<br />
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