The wider objective of the project is to support the decentralisaiton process in Tunisia.<br />
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The specific objectives are linked to the three components of the programme: Decentralisation (Outcome 1), Local Economic Development (Outcome 2) and Participation & Accountability (Outcome 3).<br />
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The wider objective of the project was to provide support to twenty-five selected municipalities in the decentralisation and communal development plan. <br />
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The specific objectives were as follows: Firstly, to provide individual support to the twenty-five selected municipalities according to their existing capacities and needs, with the additional goal of integrating climate change in their annual planning and its implementation. Secondly, to provide support to the training center for municipal administration (CeFAL). <br />
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The overall objective of the TA operation is to contribute to improvement in the quality of shelter and<br />
more general enhancement in living conditions for the urban poor, and the creation of employment<br />
opportunities for the latter. Although the focus is primarily urban, other spatially disadvantaged<br />
communities are not excluded.<br />
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The programme aims to realize the following long term change: <br />
Reinforced, inclusive and resilient communities with an empowered civil society, positively influence governance and transparency of decentralized entities; they work together with others (CDM) to resolve conflicts and to assure inclusion of youth, women and marginalized groups; they assure inclusive and equitable access to sustainable livelihoods, especially for youth, women and marginalized groups and they will thus stabilize the intervention zone.<br />
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The overall objective of the project is to realize a sustainable increase of local tax revenues to finance improved basic services to the citizens of the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) involved. <br />
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Specific objectives are:<br />
to improve the institutional capacity and procedures of each MMDA to collect revenues and diminish the tax gap;<br />
to implement IT in each MMDA to support the main tax business processes;<br />
The wider objective of the project was increased economic development & growth in South African mining towns.<br />
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The specific objective was for Local Authorities to actively engage partners to co-implement mining Social & Labour Plans (SLP) projects.<br />
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The results of the project are: <br />
1: Increased capacity of LAs to engage with mining companies.<br />
2: Improved capacity of LAs to empower community members for effective public participation.<br />
The Advancing Strong Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development (ASPIRE) project was implemented in Somaliland and Puntland with the aim to promote inclusive and resilient economic development, drawing on the Territorial Approach for Local Development (TALD). In Somaliland, ASPIRE focused on Berbera District as a hub for inclusive local economic development (LED) in the region and as an entry point to address regional income disparities.
LACEP II worked to ensure effective, efficient and participatory development at the local level in Zimbabwe by making sure service delivery by the Local Authorities (LAs) is more inclusive, gender responsive and pro-poor focused. <br />
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This action served as a reinforcement of the on-going Libya Local Governance and Stabilization Project (LGSP, 2015-2018), funded by the European Union (EU) with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by VNG International and the Centre for Innovative Local Governance (CILG-VNG International).<br />
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