The Reforme project aims to improve financial governance in Bénin, both on the local and national level, and to link to the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations on the basis of neutral, reliable, factual and accessible statistical data that reports on progress. The Agenda 2030 statistics system will therefore evolve towards transparent publication of data on a single digital platform and ensure that data from all 77 Beninese communes are integrated.<br />
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The project aims to achieve the following objective: <br />
On wednesday 5 october, SDLG officially launched its programme in Mali. VNG International presented the programme and the results of the gender-conflict, PEA and stakeholder studies that were done during the inception phase.
The programme takes into account several issues that local governments face in the increasingly challenging context in Mali.
The consortium led by VNG International and composed of Cadasta Foundation, WiLDAF-Togo and Kadaster International undertook with the Millennium Challenge Account Togo Implementing Agency (OMCA-Togo) a mission to get in touch with the actors implementing the Reform for the Increase of Agricultural Productivity Project (LRAP).
The mission took place on 16 and 17 August in the Prefecture of Wawa, about 230 km in the centre-west of the country. The delegation was welcomed by the Prefect, Deputy Mayor of the Prefecture for the joint working session.
Improving Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt, a 30-month project, is based on the needs of the Egyptian Ministry of Local Development, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, and the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater Management, through their positions as stakeholders in WASH governance in Egypt and their previous investments in the WASH sector and various levels.
The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique).
The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique).
The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />
The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />
The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique).
The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />