The wider objective of the project is to enhance quality drainage for residents of Beira that protects them from inundation. This is done through institutional capacity development within SASB (Beira Autonomous Sanitation Unit). This institutional assistance will facilitate improved tertiary drainage and urban planning by SASB in the city of Beira in addition to improved donor coordination by SASB. This all to help prevent flooding in the city of Beira, so it is both linked to water management and disaster risk management.<br />
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On the 31st of May we finished the Field-Level Leadership (FLL) programme in Beira in collaboration with the World Bank and funded by RVO. FLL is a multi-agent leadership development approach, aimed at creating a broad cadre of change champions at all levels in the public service delivery agencies. In pilots implemented and evaluated by the World Bank, this approach has demonstrated positive changes in the attitude and behaviour of public agency officials, and significantly improved organizational performance.

VNG International expresses its support the Libyan people after storm Daniel swept into Libya. Thousands have lost their lives and thousands of people are currently missing, as a catastrophic flood swept away entire neigbourhoods of the eastern Libyan city of Derna.

The city of Beira has daunting challenges. It is prone to experience the effects of climate change and recurring cyclones have become a reality. At the same time a growing number of people are settling in the city coming from the countryside, who still need to get used to life in the city and adapt from what they are used to in a rural context. The growing informal settlements have led to the fact that two thirds of the city consist of informal peri-urban areas around the 'cement city', with unfavourable living conditions often located in areas at risk of flooding.

(cliquez ici pour l’article en français)

On Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, VNG International was received by its sister association in Benin, the National Association of Beninese Municipalities (ANCB). Its President and Mayor of Cotonou, Luc Sètondji ATROKPO opened the dialogue on the new relationship between the two associations and their commitment to a fruitful partnership together.

The wider objective of the project is to design a sub national pooled financing mechanism for local governments and cities in Uganda and build their capacity to operationalize it.<br />
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The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />

On July 8th the Burundian Association of Municipalities (ACO-BURUNDI) organised its yearly conference ‘La Journée de la Commune’, the day of the commune, financed by the SDLG programme. The Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) Programme in Burundi aims to empower citizens to be better informed and claim accountability to engage in inclusive decision-making. It is a programme that capitalises on the results of the previous IDEAL programme that ran from 2017-2021.

The PartiCiP program, phases I and II, has created a dynamic for participatory democracy and has made major progress on this issue of decentralisation. It is now time to put these achievements in the exercise of grassroots democracy at the service of the second challenge of decentralisation: local development.