This project module is a contribution to peace and social cohesion in Colombia, through a functioning multipurpose cadastre. Insecurity in land rights increases vulnerability to violence of certain groups such as farmers, women and indigenous people. Within the framework of the World Bank Trust Fund for the multipurpose cadastre, the GIZ project aims to increase the capacity of implementing cadastre organisations in making context analysis, implementing awareness campaigns and increasing participation of local communities. <br />
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Licitación para la Contratación de los Servicios de Consultoría Técnica para la elaboración de planes Proyecto MUEVE, en el marco del proyecto mUEve cofinanciado por la Unión Europea contemplado en la convocatoria Europeaid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi.
State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations Mr. Raymond Knops recently paid a visit to VNG International’s R4CR programme during his visit to St Maarten.
The wider objective of the project is to improve the capacity of civil society organizations and support implementation of reconstruction and resilience sub-projects at the community level. The CSPFRP will be implemented through three main complementary components: (a) small grants to civil society organizations for reconstruction and resilience; (b) capacity building and technical assistance for local CSOs; and (c) project management and coordination.<br />
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The wider objective of the project is the preparation of the Civil Society Partnership Facility for Resilience (CSPFRP) project.<br />
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The geographical location of the Dominican Republic in the Antilles region inevitably exposes it to recurrent natural disasters of meteorological origin. In fact, the accumulated damages caused by cyclonic activity, rains and tropical storms of the last 25 years have been very significant. In the last 20 years, the Dominican Republic has been hit by 24 atmospheric phenomena that have caused millionaire economic losses, hundreds of deaths, river overflows and floods.
The wider objective of the project is to promote the integral urban development, in line with the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development (SDG's 11, 9, 17, 13, 15, 7, 8 and 5), in the fifteen municipalities of the influence area of the Electric Train which is part of the Great Metropolitan Area in Costa Rica.
When Herman Calvo, director of the Metropolitan Area of Centro Occidente (incl. the municipality of Pereira) grew up his grandparents gave him examples on how to live a sustainable living – from using the last drop in a shampoo bottle to using cloths till they fell apart.
Despite global progress in fighting poverty there are problems of inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, conflict, migration and refugee flows. The need has never been greater to develop to balance prosperity with social well-being and environmental protection. Several international conferences in 2015 set out new global agendas to deal with these challenges. There is global recognition that local governments have a significant role in implementing the agreed agendas with other state and non-state organisations.<br />
Following the Hurricane that struck St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius on September 6 2017, Dutch municipalities contacted their Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) to define a common response to support the islands. VNG called upon its members to donate to the fundraising campaign of the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) and they agreed to work together in the recovery phase. <br />
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