In order to encourage the citizens of the neighbourhoods and residential complexes in the city of Pereira, in Colombia, to separate their waste at home, and at the same time to promote the work of the organizations of waste recyclers and to increase recycling, the Pereira Waste Management Company launched the Eco Barrios competition. The neighbourhood and the apartment complex that delivers the greatest amount of recyclable waste, at the time established for collection to the recycling organizations, will be awarded.
The initiative has the support and advice of VNG International, through the Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS) programme. DEALS expert in Pereira, Felipe Vásquez, said that "it is a very important moment that the Mayor is inviting citizens to participate in circular economy and recycling initiatives."

The Mayor Carlos Maya and the manager of the Waste Management Company, Mario León Ossa, opened the competition taking as a stage the Emaús Classification and Recycling Station, one of the city's recyclers' organizations.
"We want to guarantee the conservation of the environment. If we manage to increase the indicators (of recycling) in Pereira through our Eco Barrios project, we will extend the life of the sanitary landfill and at the same time generate employment for people who are dedicated to this activity, "said Carlos Maya, Mayor of Pereira.
For his part, Mario León Ossa, manager of the Pereira Waste Management Company, stated: "as of today we start this competition and invite all neighbourhoods and residential complexes to register. What we seek is to raise awareness of the citizens so that each time we are friendlier with the environment ".
The materials that will be taken into account to participate are: plastics, containers, bags, packaging, paper, cardboard, tin and glass containers, and tetra-pack boxes used for food and beverages.
The organizations that collect the waste are the Asociación Alianza Aprovechamiento Inclusivo Centro Occidente (Emaús and Infinity Recycle), Redcicladores, Fundambienta and AsoPuntoVerde.