In Podcast (#10) we interview Naw Htee ku Paw, project coordinator of the Governance of Inclusive Green Growth programme in the city of Pathein, in Myanmar. Myanmar is a country in governance transition and citizen engagement in urban development is becoming more important. She discusses how this engagement works in practice. Also, she presents the results of a waste management audit and the impact of better household waste sorting on health. She discusses the limitations of the current local tax system.
In a series of podcasts the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities, VNG International, interviews people involved in the programme Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS). The DEALS programme is financed by the Netherlands ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Inclusive Green Growth department, and aims for inclusive and sustainable development in cities.
Menno Bosma, partner in Wereld in Woorden Global Research & Reporting, is the interviewer in this podcast.