Neila Akrimi-Kemperman, Doctor in European Law with more than 20 years of experience in the fields of public administration reforms, Development project and International contract management. Former lawyer and former Diplomat, Neila Akrimi has been a researcher, published author and lecturer in several universities around the world. She has founded in 2011 the VNG International daughter organization for the MENA region “the VNG international Centre for Innovative Local Governance (CILG-VNGi)” based in Tunis. She divides her time between the headquarter in The Hague as senior manager and the daughter organization in Tunis as the Director. She has broad knowledge of the Euro-Mediterranean policies, cultural dialogue and has extensive expertise in fields of democratic transition, institutional reforms, strategic planning, inclusive local governance, migration, resilience, local economic development and Job creation as well as gender equity.

Director CILG - VNGi -
I see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better through inclusive, genuine, concerted and collective effort.