Project Updates

600 Containers, One Goal: A Cleaner West Ramallah
24 Dec - By Miriam Collaris
PRESS RELEASE - Inclusive Local Governance Training in South Sudan
11 Dec - By Sjoerd Wilbers
Addressing Urban Violence through Local Peacebuilding
30 Oct - By Sanne van Amerongen
Post-Conflict Governance in Tigray: A Focus on Social Accountability and Community-Driven Recovery
23 Oct - By Bo Altena
Eight warning beacons rehabilitated to strengthen community flood monitoring in Benin's Lower Ouémé Valley
22 Oct - By Maud Alberge
VNG International News

Looking back on a 14-year success story of promoting participatory governance in Ethiopia
VNG International’s Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP) celebrated its final month in November of this year. At the ‘Closing and Knowledge Sharing Event’ held on…

Addressing Urban Violence through Local Peacebuilding
From October 8 to 10, the UCLG World Council 2024 took place in The Hague under the theme: “A New Peace Agenda for Future Generations”. Hosted by the City of The Hague and VNG…

Bijeenkomst 'Mondiaal op lokale schaal: de kracht van Nederlandse gemeenten'
Woensdag 16 oktober 14.00 – 15.30 uur Nieuwspoort (Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, 2594 AC Den Haag) De Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG) maakt zich sterk voor een krachtige lokale…
Nicole Osuji
“In post-conflict settings, state rebuilding and reconstruction can amount to nothing, if not backed up at the local level by an effective governance system that is trusted by the citizens it is supposed to serve. In so doing, international cooperation can be of great assistance, but if and only if sustainability is ensured through ownership taken both by local officials, and local CSOs. “
Joppe Bastiaansen
“I strongly believe that local governments worldwide play the most important role in improving the lives of citizens. In doing so, we can learn a lot from each other. I consider it a great privilege to be able to contribute to strengthening the capacity of these governments and find great reward in the contribution we bring together to a better and sustainable future. “
Michelle van Raalte
“It takes two to tango!" - Collaboration, effort, and meaningful participation of different stakeholders is essential to reach increased impact globally. “
Yvonne Kraak
““Een beetje integer bestaat niet.” – Ien Dales
“There is no such thing as a little integrity. You either have integrity, or you don’t.” – Ien Dales
“ -
Sjoerd Wilbers
““Take the town to the people” “
Bo Altena
“Working in and with fragile states gives us the perfect opportunity to build back better. Crisis recovery goes beyond the provision of immediate relief: it includes the rebuilding of infrastructure, the provision of basic services and the strengthening of people’s resilience to deal with future crises. In this, local government is essential. “
Evangeline (Evy) Verstraelen
“Local communities and governments are at the core of VNG International and the only road to inclusive and sustainable change. “
Evelyn Scholte
“A little progress each day adds up to big results “
Robert van der Wolff
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Yet be reminded that the pursuit for perfection will be at the expense of progress. “
Gaby Koster
“The most succesful event is the one that achieves your goals and exceeds your expectations “
Nicole Osuji
“In post-conflict settings, state rebuilding and reconstruction can amount to nothing, if not backed up at the local level by an effective governance system that is trusted by the citizens it is supposed to serve. In so doing, international cooperation can be of great assistance, but if and only if sustainability is ensured through ownership taken both by local officials, and local CSOs. “
Joppe Bastiaansen
“I strongly believe that local governments worldwide play the most important role in improving the lives of citizens. In doing so, we can learn a lot from each other. I consider it a great privilege to be able to contribute to strengthening the capacity of these governments and find great reward in the contribution we bring together to a better and sustainable future. “
Michelle van Raalte
“It takes two to tango!" - Collaboration, effort, and meaningful participation of different stakeholders is essential to reach increased impact globally. “
Yvonne Kraak
““Een beetje integer bestaat niet.” – Ien Dales
“There is no such thing as a little integrity. You either have integrity, or you don’t.” – Ien Dales
“ -
Sjoerd Wilbers
““Take the town to the people” “
Bo Altena
“Working in and with fragile states gives us the perfect opportunity to build back better. Crisis recovery goes beyond the provision of immediate relief: it includes the rebuilding of infrastructure, the provision of basic services and the strengthening of people’s resilience to deal with future crises. In this, local government is essential. “
Evangeline (Evy) Verstraelen
“Local communities and governments are at the core of VNG International and the only road to inclusive and sustainable change. “
Evelyn Scholte
“A little progress each day adds up to big results “
Robert van der Wolff
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Yet be reminded that the pursuit for perfection will be at the expense of progress. “
Gaby Koster
“The most succesful event is the one that achieves your goals and exceeds your expectations “